
Work & Rest



Our theme for January is Work and Rest, which is a hard balance to maintain. At uni, there’s no switch off or end of the day. Lots of students find themselves feeling guilty for doing things outside their course because they feel they should be working.


Rest can be a whole variety of things but in its essence, rest can be whatever activities help you to relax and recharge. If you’re a classic extrovert, this could be spending time with friends. For more introverted people, it could be giving yourself a night in with a good meal and Netflix series.


Perhaps you could make it a new year’s resolution to dedicate time to rest. We all need to rest in order to be productive so invest in yourself!


Coming up...

- TIPS -

Here are some tips to help you rest. For more, check out our resources section below to download some printable activities and follow our Instagram @aubsu_matter! 

  • Take regular breaks when working
  • Find a routine that allows dedicated time for rest
  • Remember that we all rest differently – do what works for you
  • AUBSU run loads of events that give you some headspace from your course


Download our printable journal pages for more advice and productive activities on this month's theme. 


Don't forget!...

The Small Things Matter campaign is all about supporting you, with tools, tips and a bunch of courage to take the next step for you, however small: every step you take is no step too small. Small steps have big impact.

You can find us out and about (usually on the courtyard) on the first Tuesday of each month talking wellbeing and sharing advice. Expect things like cactus repotting, cups of tea and self-care gifts!