Candidate for the position of Trans & GNC Officer (Equalities)



Vote for more chances to sell artwork. Vote for more availability of sanitary items. Vote for practical information. Vote to be an agent for change.


Hello guys, gals and non-binary pals! I’m Caitlin and I’m on Creative Events Management (2nd Year!). I bloody love hedgehogs (come and ask me for a good hedgehog fact), but ya know what I love more?.... EQUALITY.


As a member of the Green Team, a course rep, and a student ambassador – I think its fair to say I understand the inner workings of the SU.

 I have also gained loads of transferrable skills from being Social Secretary of the Feminist Society at Portsmouth Uni for 2 years.


My main aim for 2019/20 is to produce an information booklet on what to do in a sexual assault or harassment related crisis. This booklet will detail information of local and national crisis organisations, as well as pastoral support options and practical advice.


My creative aim for the year is to collaborate with artists from across the university to create fun and engaging events surrounding the topics of gender, diversity and equality – incorporating national and global events such as international women’s day, sexual assault awareness month, and the White Ribbon Campaign.

These events at AUB will include exhibitions of student work, print sales (meaning you could even make some cash from this!), workshops and film screenings.

This will also hopefully include collaboration with the AUB feminist society!


My final aim, addressing calls from course reps, I will work with the students’ union to try to provide sanitary items for people who may need them.