What are Course Representatives?
Course Reps are elected representatives from each year group of every course at AUB. They act as the voice of all the other students on their course in their year.
There are typically two Course Reps for each year of each course, from Foundation all the way to Masters level. They are the crucial link between students, University and the Students' Union.
Reps are elected in Autumn term each year - look our for our Student Voice Coordinator popping up in your lecture to hold an election!
They listen to their coursemates about their experiences, good & bad, related to their course and pass that information back on to their Course Staff and the Students' Union to ensure AUB is continually improving for everyone!
They then pass the responses they get back to their coursemates to ensure that everyone is kept in the loop.
We are constantly trying to improve the Course Rep system at AUB, if you are a rep or student who would like to share their experiences as/with a Rep please email SUdemocracy@aub.ac.uk.
What things do they deal with?
You can talk to your Course Rep about anything to do with your experiences at AUB, positive or negative. They'll not only take your feedback and champion it to University Staff, but their Course Rep training will give them the information they need to signpost students to the relevant services where needed.
WHy be a course rep?
All AUB Course Reps are fully trained by the Students' Union to be able to listen to, compile and champion your feedback as students. Course reps are also offered an (optional) FREE 2 day MHFA England Mental Health First Aid training course. There are regular events for the Reps to meet eachother & a Teams Group to support collaboration across courses throughout the year.
Previous Reps have said their favourite parts of the role are:
"Getting to help my class!"
"Feeling like an important person at CPG meetings"
"I got to be involved with directly improving the course"
"It’s been really enjoyable getting to represent my course and friends with things they want changing!"
(Taken directly from the 23/24 Rep Survey)
How do I contact my Course Rep?
Your Course Rep will make themselves known to their course by doing shout-outs in lectures once a term and will occasionally send out emails to encourage comments and engagement. However, if you don't know who your Course Rep is and you want to contact them you can speak to your course tutor or email the Students' Union on SUdemocracy@aub.ac.uk to request their contact details.