AUBSU thrives through partnerships and collaboration.
We work closely with AUB to ensure your voice is heard in university decisions. Together, we aim to enhance the student experience through joint initiatives, feedback channels, and shared goals. More here |
As an affiliated member of the NUS, we are part of a national network of students’ unions, gaining access to resources, campaigns, and opportunities that benefit our members. More here |
Wonkhe is the home of the UK higher education debate, bringing the sector together through expert analysis, debate and insight. A community of diverse voices, we provide platforms to drive the policy conversation forward.
We are a member of their Students' Union programme and they provide advice, guidance and policy support for AUBSU. More here
The UK Council for International Student Affairs (UKCISA) is the UK’s national advisory body supporting international students and those who work with them. They provide advice, guidance and information about all aspects of the international student experience, from immigration and fees to mental health, culture shock and orientation.
They are a membership organisation for all institutions, students' unions and organisations working with international students and also provide information and advice directly to students around the world. More Here
SUBU is the Students' Union at Bournemouth University and is literally our next door neighbour. We have joined forces with SUBU to offer reciprocal memberships of clubs and societies to each organisations. We also work with SUBU on common issues affecting all students living in Bournemouth. More Here |
Coole Insight Ltd is the home of students’ union development, driving sector improvement through collaboration, expertise, and insight. They work hard in our pursuit of getting the right thing done by people, and by organisations. They embody the transformational power of the student movement, and share their lived and work experience of this power to maximise the potential of elected student leaders, professional staff teams, and students’ unions as organisations. More Here |
Local and National Partners
Our collaborations extend beyond the university to include local businesses, charities, and organisations that support student well-being, employability, and development.