'What's next?' You survived 2020. How can you thrive in 2021?

Thursday 10 December 2020, 6pm - 7pm

Location: Online

What's next? You survived 2020. How can you thrive in 2021?

This interactive seminar is for our Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) students at AUB. 

It will be focused on building resilience and resisting the urge to fall into a cycle of anxiousness and comparison. Toluwa will help you reflect on 2020 so that you can move forward and make 2021 a year that you more than just survive; the year that you thrive.

TEDx speaker and wellbeing coach, Toluwa has spent most of her professional career working with young people around the world, enabling them to make transformative changes in their personal and professional lives as well as their communities. 

Join Toluwa on the 10th of December at 6-7 pm on Zoom. See tickets attached. 

This is the first in a series of 3 seminars to take place over the academic year.