Arts University Bournemouth offers PrepHE, undergraduate and postgraduate awards in the fields of art, design, media and performance.
These awards are characterised by an emphasis on studio practice, delivered within a community of creative professionals. 

Courses have a strong focus on developing the technical and professional skills of students, which leads to highly employable graduates both within their specialist fields and beyond. 
Collaboration between courses, and between students, is designed to reflect the demands of professional practice; the ways in which courses work together to provide this professional environment is a key feature of the educational environment at the institution.

This charter sets out Arts University Bournemouth’s commitment to provide you with a service of the highest quality.
It is important that you respond in a positive way to this partnership to take full advantage of the educational opportunities available to you, and realise your full potential.



Throughout your course you may expect to:

  • receive a high standard of teaching, assessment, advice and guidance from appropriately qualified staff
  • have access to the learning resources you need to support your studies
  • have access to personal guidance and support from AUB services
  • have a clear understanding of your course content and structure
  • have clearly defined assessments, marked fairly and returned with developmental comments within an agreed timescale
  • receive support and guidance in developing the skills needed for successful study and progression to employment within your chosen profession
  • be treated fairly, with dignity and respect
  • have the opportunity to express your views on the quality of teaching, services and facilities
  • receive guidance on careers and future progression routes
  • have access to accurate information about your course and AUB policies, including complaints and appeals procedures



Throughout the course you can expect AUBSU to:

  • represent the interests of students within AUB, locally and nationally
  • ensure that students are aware of their rights
  • support students in participating in the opportunities offered by the University
  • provide social events, including clubs and societies
  • ensure that AUBSU officers are elected fairly and democratically, in accordance with the Students’ Union constitution



Throughout the course you will be expected to:

  • take responsibility for your work and actions
  • attend regularly and punctually
  • commit yourself to work and study outside formal teaching time
  • complete your assignments within the agreed timescales
  • comply with University regulations and policies, including those governing attendance and student conduct
  • conduct yourself responsibly and show consideration and respect towards staff, fellow students and members of the local community
  • show consideration and care for University environment, equipment and facilities
  • Treat others with courtesy, tolerance and respect, embracing diversity
  • Conduct yourself in a professional manner, whether face to face or online
  • ensure that all personal relationships are grounded clearly in consent

The Student Code of Conduct sets out your responsibilities in more detail.

Students are reminded that their responsibilities relate to all methods of communication, including electronic and social networking.


This Student Charter summarises the University’s aspirations and expectations. It is not intended as a legally binding contract, or to define or limit the legal rights and responsibilities of the University, the AUB Students’ Union and each student. All students should ensure that they are aware of all policies, procedures, regulations and guidelines published by the University and AUB Students’ Union. Copies of all documents are available on the myAUB intranet or from AUB Students’ Union.