Candidate for the position of AUBSU Trustee


We are all students at AUB, I personally am also a student who is studying my chosen field that is Architecture.

To me Architecture is like being a AUBSU Trustee; meaning that I require to observe, communicate, and understand our local environment reflecting societies values (your values). Already as a first-year student of AUB, I have been selected to become a student representative of my course and intended to start a well anticipated Architectural Society which assists any creative field in-terms of networking, resource deliverance and student interaction.


I have noticed several immediate issues within the last two weeks that may very well already be affecting you, some include:

1. The grand 150/200(+) student gathering outside the shared BU & AUB bus-stop. '6:30pm - 8pm'

2. The lack of variety at Starbucks & Costa, as well as canteen food quality 'for price provided'.

3. The issues regarding parking space 'especially for students living 40mins/140mins(+) away'.

4. The Grand Theft Bicycle criminals jumping the fence at Madeira halls, saw in hand. (Rare occurrences)


These are some of many issues that have been communicated by the 43 first-year Architectural students in my course; in which I assume you also as students have noticed some of these select issues. Feel free to message myself through the proper channels and I will observe, communicate, and understand the identified issue(s) you as a fellow student has addressed.

The above issues suggest Environmental, Economic and Social problems that affect a student's capability to appreciate their course.