What aubsu are doing to support your mental health
Being at university can raise a number of challenges to mental health and wellbeing. On top of that, there are the additional difficulties posed by current circumstances which have been exacerbated or shaped by the coronavirus pandemic, such as the ability to socialise and make friends, financial instability, and disruption to mental health care. AUBSU have been working hard this year to support you with your mental health and wellbeing.
Find out what we've been up to:
Seeking Support
If you are feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or depressed, then do get in touch with the Student Services team here at AUB, who offer free counselling. You can also self-refer yourself to the Steps to Wellbeing team, a Dorset-based NHS service who offer counselling, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), advice, and wellbeing sessions. Click here to view a list of certified counsellors in the area.
You can also book an appointment with your GP to discuss your options and to put together a treatment plan to help you with any mental health issues. If this is your first time speaking to your doctor about your mental health, the Docready website is a great tool that helps you to put together a checklist of worries and things to mention to your doctor so that you get the most out of your appointment.
Here you can find a list of our Support Services.
Mental Health First Aid Training
AUBSU are dedicated to providing help and support to students who may be suffering from poor mental health. All of AUBSU's staff and Sabbatical Officers have completed training with MHFA England, and are certified Mental Health First Aid Champions. We want AUB to be a place where students and staff feel comfortable about discussing their mental health, and we try to encourage this by regularly running events and awareness campaigns on campus educating students and staff about mental health, the services available here at AUB, and the small things we can all do to help our own, and others', mental health.

Self-care sounds fluffy and straight-forward, but it is an important part of maintaining good mental health. It is important to remember that, despite what Instagram may tell us, self-care isn't always just about facemasks and LUSH bath bombs; going to bed early, having a shower, eating a good hot meal, and even cutting a negative person out of your life are all valid forms of self-care. Check out our The Small Things Matter campaign, it provides you with tools, tips and courage to take the next step in self-care, however small.
Wellbeing Workshops
Throughout the year AUBSU has organised workshops for students of colour hosted by Toluwa Oyeleye. The interactive seminars focused on what self-worth, self-love and self-confidence look like for students of colour, with practical tips, tailored resources and wellbeing techniques provided. Keep an eye out for our next workshop in early May.
Continuous Support
AUBSU also works continually to improve your time at AUB, as we know that your day-to-day experience at university impacts your mental health. We do this through our course-rep scheme and Think Tank feedback, by representing you on university boards, and by enriching your time at AUB through our clubs, societies, networks, Give it a Go programme and all the other activities we host for you. We are always keen to support you and do more so if you have any ideas or feedback for us to help improve our mental health provision, we want to hear from you! Share your thoughts here.
The Disabilities and Wellbeing Committee have created a wellbeing initiative, the Wellbeing Box, focused on connecting the AUB community. The aim of the Wellbeing Box is to encourage students to look after their mental wellbeing and establish a habit of taking a break from work, studying and other stressful responsibilities. To find out more about this project follow @aubsu_disabilities on Instagram.
Here are some activities for you to download from our Wellbeing Boxes.