Meet your sabbatical officers 2023-24

These are this years' full-time officers working closely with the AUBSU team to provide student opportunities and representation.





PRESIDENT (Student experience)


Get in touch with either Ed or Hannah (or both!) if you have any issues or questions relating to the university,
course reps, representation on campus, welfare, and much much more! You can also contact

 Meet the student executive team 2023-24

These are this years' part-time elected officers working closely with the Sabbatical Officers to achieve their individual aims.


neurodivergent officer



neurodivergent officer



RAG officer



green officer



LGBTq+ Officer



lgbtq+ officer



gender equality officer



international officer



disabilities officer



events officer



Sports officer



mature & post-grad officer



minority ethnic officer



societies officer



bug co-ordinator



bug co-ordinator



Trans & gnc officer