
Friendship & Support



Our theme for February is Friendship & Support. We all need a helping hand, someone to listen to us and someone simply to be there. Reach out and don’t be afraid to lean on people. It’s easy to not ask in case you seem a bother but this would be denying yourself support. Ask. And if you don’t have someone to support you then click our link box below for services that are there to listen and support.


Not only is this month about understanding that we need help sometimes but it’s also about being ready to support other people. Support can be as simple as asking, “How are you?” and actively listening to the response. It can be messaging a mate or offering your company to someone who’s feeling isolated. Reach out and show that you care.



- TIPS -

Here are some tips on friendship & support. For more, check out our resources section below to download some printable activities and follow our Instagram @aubsu_matter! 

  • Show gratitude to those that support you
  • Take your own advice – treat yourself how you’d tell others to treat themselves
  • Dedicate time to spending time with your friends
  • To find more pals, get involved with clubs and societies


Download our printable journal pages for more advice and productive activities on this month's theme. 


Don't forget!...

The Small Things Matter campaign is all about supporting you, with tools, tips and a bunch of courage to take the next step for you, however small: every step you take is no step too small. Small steps have big impact.

You can find us out and about (usually on the courtyard) on the first Tuesday of each month talking wellbeing and sharing advice. Expect things like cactus repotting, cups of tea and self-care gifts!